Name:Â Betty E.
City, State:Â Kansas City, MO
Specialty:Â Electrophysiology Lab
Month: Jan 1
1.  How’d you get into travel nursing?
I had never even thought about it, until I reached a point in my career when I needed a change. I needed more flexibility in my schedule to do things outside of work. I love Electrophysiology and wasn’t ready to leave it completely. EP traveling was just opening up, I happened to see a recruitment ad. I started to do some research. My husband and I prayed, talked, prayed some more about goals, not just for me but as a couple, a family, and our ministry. Travel nursing opened doors for us on many different levels.
2.  What’s the best part about traveling?
I have an opportunity to make a difference. It may be in the department I am working, or the people I work with. It may be in the day of a patient or their family. It may be something in the community. I think it is important that we walk in motivated to, in some way large or small, leave our place better than when we first arrived.
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3. You meet a first time travel nurse in the Kansas City area, which restaurant is a must for them to try?
My favorite restaurant has been KC Taco Company by the River Market. I would say if you want an adventure try Hamburger Mary’s. More upscale try Rye on the plaza.
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4. What’s the best part about the Kansas City area?
There is always something to do and explore. The better the weather, the more to do. I love the diversity of the various neighborhoods. Parks and fountains everywhere. My favorite thing so far?? THE PENGUIN MARCH at the zoo. If you love Penguins you have got to see Bernard.
5. Any advice for other travelers?
My best advice is to know who you are, your strengths, your weakness, what do you like doing? Be honest with yourself, and your recruiter. Get your feet under you, experience wise, at least 2 years in the area you want to be. Know what your motivation is. If money is your top priority, fine, but realize you may give up some things to get that check. If you want to travel to the beach, you may give up some pay. There is always going to be some give and take. So know what is important, what your deal breakers are.
You may also like:Â Â Check out our previous Traveler of the Month winners!
6.  How do you compare Axis to others travel companies?
Right from the start I was important. How do I know? Because after talking to my recruiter, LYNNA, I got an email with the highlights of the conversation. She wanted go make sure she completely understood, what I was looking for and why. When I text or call my recruiter she is available. I contacted other companies and they either didn’t return the call, or took a couple weeks. I had a recruiter not have a clue what EP was, nor did he care enough to find out prior to contacting me. AXIS has been good to me. My check is on time, has never been messed up. I feel like they have my best interest at heart. Lynna is a great recruiter. She is my one stop shop. LOL
Congrats Betty! You’ve been an amazing addition to the Axis team! 🙂
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