Travel Nurse Assignments: Live Like a Local – Dallas

by | Sep 16, 2015

Welcome to Dallas!

Third largest city in Texas, fourth largest metro area in the USA: Dallas is a city that is hard to forget. And for a Travel Nurse, it’s a pretty tough city to beat for your next assignment. The colorful lights, great food, and most importantly, its Southern charm, it’s difficult to be bored in Dallas. As the city continues to grow economically in banking, medical, telecommunications, energy, and technology, its culture continues to grow as well.

Dallas is known for its great food culture. Specifically, it’s widely known for having authentic Mexican cuisine and for its pride in barbecue. Aside from the mouth-watering eateries that this city offers, it also boasts an exciting culture due to the several museums and city events, some of which just happen to involve teams such as the Dallas Cowboys and Dallas Mavericks.


American Airlines Center

You will hear a lot of cheering coming from this building, even from far away. There is a reason why, and you might even spot Mark Cuban in the front of the court screaming in anger at the referee’s calls. The Mavericks are a widely respected NBA team, come here if you want to physically witness quality basketball.

Dallas Zoo

The go-to spot to exit the city without really exiting it… The Dallas Zoo allows you to enter a world of nature and to experience new knowledge of wildlife you may have never heard of.

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Around the City:

Reunion Tower

Have you noticed the big lollipop-looking tower once you drove into the city from the airport? That’s the Reunion Tower, and yes you can go inside it. The short ride up to the top offers a spectacular view of the entire metro area. This popular spot also offers fine dining options as well as drinking for social gatherings.


The French Room

Great service and quality, the French Room offers a gourmet fine dining experience that represents tradition and originality.

Truluck’s Seafood, Steak, and Crab House

Dallas is known for is barbecue, but it doesn’t fail at seafood either. Fortunately for you, Truluck’s offers both options for a fantastic dining experience.

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